This page was inspired by the /now Movement. It's a great way to help me focus on the broader priorities in my life (on temporal order of months) while allowing you fine people to learn a bit more about the mind within The Cave. Check out my profile here. If you have a website I highly recommend you join the movement.
What I'm On With Now:
Just for fun
I'm used to a day-to-day life that is fairly busy with many activities demanding my attention. Currently those main activities are:
- Canada. My partner and I are exploring Canada currently! We have made Squamish, BC our home for now. Much of our time is spent exploring!
- Photography. If you've browsed any other page on this site other than this one, you know that my hobsession[1] is nature photography. I'm making a conscious effort to do more photography, because it makes me happy.
- Exploring Philosophies. So far I've spent time reading about Stoicism and Epicureanism. Next up is probably going to be a deeper dive into Buddhism and Taoism. Isn't ancient philosophy just fascinating‽
- Managing Self. I technically fall into that category of people whose brain works a bit differently to most, some call it neurodivergent, others ADD/ADHD. I avoid labels as these days it seems to be desirable??? I've started 'emptying' my brain into notes so that I can focus on remembering the important things like renewing car insurance and birthdays while maintaining my drive to learn. So far it's working...I think.
A bit more serious
Right now I'm not working as I'm exploring and enjoying myself for a bit. I am looking for work casually, hopefully something in my field comes up! For now I'm volunteering some of my time supporting the Squamish Environment Society with a range of projects. The work going on here is amazing and it's a pleasure to be involved!
- Purple Martin Nest Boxes: I'm reviewing nest box footage to identify behaviours and other interesting observations of nesting purple martins.
- Wildlife Connectivity: I'm supporting the work of the society on their Wildlife Connectivity project in areas such as engagement, outreach, and story telling.
- Bird Count: I'm attending the monthly bird counts (which have been running since 1991) and helping improve data collection, storage, and analysis.
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Created by Niall Bell (
I love a portmanteau these days; and not in terms of the French meaning of the word for a large traveling suitcase made of stiff leather. This is my most recent creation, a Hobby that one is Obsessed with...Hobsession. ↩︎