#now #aboutme


The /now Movement

This page was inspired by the /now Movement. It's a great way to help me focus on the broader priorities in my life (on temporal order of months) while allowing you fine people to learn a bit more about the mind within The Cave. Check out my nownownow.com profile here. If you have a website I highly recommend you join the movement.

What I'm On With Now:

Just for fun

I'm used to a day-to-day life that is fairly busy with many activities demanding my attention. Currently those main activities are:

  1. Canada. My partner and I are exploring Canada currently! We have made Squamish, BC our home for now. Much of our time is spent exploring!
  2. Photography. If you've browsed any other page on this site other than this one, you know that my hobsession[1] is nature photography. I'm making a conscious effort to do more photography, because it makes me happy.
  3. Exploring Philosophies. So far I've spent time reading about Stoicism and Epicureanism. Next up is probably going to be a deeper dive into Buddhism and Taoism. Isn't ancient philosophy just fascinating‽
  4. Managing Self. I technically fall into that category of people whose brain works a bit differently to most, some call it neurodivergent, others ADD/ADHD. I avoid labels as these days it seems to be desirable??? I've started 'emptying' my brain into notes so that I can focus on remembering the important things like renewing car insurance and birthdays while maintaining my drive to learn. So far it's working...I think.

A bit more serious

Right now I'm not working as I'm exploring and enjoying myself for a bit. I am looking for work casually, hopefully something in my field comes up! For now I'm volunteering some of my time supporting the Squamish Environment Society with a range of projects. The work going on here is amazing and it's a pleasure to be involved!


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Created by Niall Bell (niall@niallbell.com)

  1. I love a portmanteau these days; and not in terms of the French meaning of the word for a large traveling suitcase made of stiff leather. This is my most recent creation, a Hobby that one is Obsessed with...Hobsession. ↩︎

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